Monday 5 October 2015

: Inter-disciplinarity,Trans-disciplinarity, Multiplicity & Pluralism.

Lecture notes:

Multiplicity is a principle whereas pluralism is a perspective, however both are concerned with the relationship between layers of difference and identity in a social context.
Author Daniel Borus says that in the early 20th Century there was a growing sense that 'self-evident' definitions of truth, beauty and good could no longer provide a secure, meaningful orientation in the world.  Enlightenment ideas assumed that the world was harmonious/balanced/law-like. Disparate observations about the world would eventually be united/synthesised. 
 It is argued that this set of concepts has particular relevance today in relation to the rise of art-design activism, the questioning of disciplinary thinking and the idea of the post-disciplinary in relation to art and design as well as art and design research.
In the early 20th Century, art took a dramatic leap and new 'hybrid' art, animation and designs were created. Art became an open concept available for everyone to define and create. Art and design were used in protests and merged two very different concepts, politics and art, together to create something special. 
(Protests against the world trade organisation, 1999)

Adversarial design is political design which evokes and engages political issues, it is seen as an art form as well as a protest of sorts.

(Carl DiSalvo, 2012)

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