Wednesday 14 October 2015

Loop and Living Holds

For this After Affects Workshop we watched a ten minute long award winning animation called "The Thomas Beale Cipher" which showed an animated person on a train, It had great textures and the setting worked well, the movement if the people showed that they were on a train. The loops of movements he used were also effective as they fit in well together and didn't look too repetitive.

The Thomas Beale Cipher from Andrew S Allen on Vimeo.

We then created a simple character on Illustrator, we then put it into after affects to animate the movement. I found this process quite difficult as I have used after effects but not in this way.

This is the character I came up with, I am pleased with the simplistic look to him, however I feel his shoulders do not work well.
We created loops of movement using key frames in after effects, and added a consistent shaking motion into the animation.


I am quite pleased with the movement of my character, however I feel it does not fit well in the context. I could use this movement to show a person in a moving vehicle such as a train.

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