Friday 9 October 2015

Tim Burton

Tim Burton is a film director, producer, artist, animator, writer and one of the biggest influences in my animation work and other artwork. Through his work you can tell that he has an unusual outlook on life; the settings of his films tend to be very Gothic and eerie, they also tend to have unusual characters which look like things from nightmares.

This is a sketch of the character 'Edward Scissor-hands' from his film. Although the drawing looks messy, the overall picture is really good and shows Burton's dark style, I feel that if the films Edward Scissorhands was created in an animated style, it would have turned out a lot better and the characters could be even more surreal.

This sketch was created during Burton's 4 year apprenticeship at Disney, where he pitched ideas such as a remaking of Romeo & Juliet, where the tragic romance is between land mass and the ocean. I feel this is a great idea and could easily be created in animated form. 

Tim Burton still remains to be a big influence on me and his films are by far my favourite, I aspire to be as successful as him some day.

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