Wednesday 7 October 2015

Developing a Typeface

In this Production workshop we developed a typeface and a phrase using the starting words "I am", I started off looking at different phrases to use, such as "I am an animator" and "I am blonde", I finally came up with the idea of "I am a person." I felt this could have different meanings to people and would look interesting. 

I then started experimenting with different typefaces and styles to use. My ideas changed a lot during this process and I found it difficult to find the perfect one.

I then thought of trying the different styles in the layout I wanted to use. We had a grid of 16 boxes to fill with our phrase, I enjoyed working with the grid as I feel the layout is more important to me than the typeface itself.

My favourite styles were these bottom two, I like the flow of the left one, however I also like the overall simplistic look of the right hand one.

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