Wednesday 10 February 2016

C4D Character Modelling

 In this Process and Production workshop we were doing character modelling in Cinema 4D.
We started out with a simple hnd draw character and imported it into C4D, we then used the Polygon tool, Point tool and Object tool to create our character. This was a difficult process and having little experience in using C4D I found it hard to figure out how to use each tool. The class focussed on character modelling for 2 seminars as it was such a new process to most of us.

This is a screengrab taken during the process of creating the model, it was difficult to get the shapes right without having Subdivision surfaces turned on as there were points sticking out of the wrong places.

Once Subdivision surfaces were switched on I found the process alot more rewarding as I could see what I had been creating. I am pleased with the outcome so far and feel it is a success for my first attempt at character modelling.

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