Saturday 2 April 2016

Origami butterflies

For my physical collide piece I wanted to create an object which represented hope, I chose to create an origami butterfly and in my spare time, watched tutorials on how to create them.
I tried using A4 paper but realised my final piece would be too small, the paper also ripped and was too fiddly to use. I worried about the colours as I wanted blue but didn't have any A3 blue paper.
These are the test origami butterflies I created, I decided to paint them using watercolors and try to get my desired look. I found this task extremely complicated and fiddly and so I used plain white A3 paper to create my butterfly, I then painted it using black and shades of blue. I am pleased with my outcome and I feel it is something different from the other final pieces the assessors will be seeing for collide.

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