Wednesday 27 April 2016

Hulk running C4D

In this Production workshop we rigged a character using a spine and creating a skeleton in C4D.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Second Year Showreel

In the last production workshop we created show reels of all our work from production classes in second year.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Life drawing

During workshop week I took a life drawing class, I enjoyed this experience as I had never done life drawing before. We looked at Joanna Quinn's animation techniques and tried to copy her fast paced style of working, using our model.

We started by drawing quickly 1 minute for each pose, I found this pace hard to keep up with as I was focusing too much on detail rather than the movement. I started to get better at creating the movement and drawing the model once I got used to the pace, here are my outcomes.

Cartoon characters in real life scenes

My visual appendix work is based around creating different characters in anime styles, during my personal research I found these images of well-known characters in real life scenes in Russia. 
I feel that these types of images could create inspiration for a change in the future of animation, we could be using more of the real life world around us and adding characters into it.

Cartoon Characters

Cartoon Characters

Cartoon Characters

Cartoon Characters

Cartoon Characters

Saturday 2 April 2016

Origami butterflies

For my physical collide piece I wanted to create an object which represented hope, I chose to create an origami butterfly and in my spare time, watched tutorials on how to create them.
I tried using A4 paper but realised my final piece would be too small, the paper also ripped and was too fiddly to use. I worried about the colours as I wanted blue but didn't have any A3 blue paper.
These are the test origami butterflies I created, I decided to paint them using watercolors and try to get my desired look. I found this task extremely complicated and fiddly and so I used plain white A3 paper to create my butterfly, I then painted it using black and shades of blue. I am pleased with my outcome and I feel it is something different from the other final pieces the assessors will be seeing for collide.