Saturday 19 December 2015

'MAN' Animation

This animation called 'MAN' by Steve Cutts really represents the issue of how humans have used the earth for their own selfish gain, it also expresses the issue of how we destroy everything else with no real purpose. At the end of the animation you see the man sit in his throne, with a crown on his head, thinking he is the king of the world, this is a true representation of humans as a whole, as we believe we are the rulers of earth and can destroy it as we please. I find this animation particularly inspiring as I am strongly against pollution and try not to do damage to the earth, we live in a society where taking the earth's resources and destroying it for our own gain is a big part of everyday life, it is almost impossible to live in the west and not take part in any of these earth killing practices.

MAN from Steve Cutts on Vimeo.

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