Sunday 20 March 2016

Japanese animation

Lecture notes:

Studio Ghibli is the Japanese Disney in animation, with a lot of detail in the characters and scenes of every film produced by them. The main components of Japanese animation are that they are usually from a child's perspective, innocent and fun animations are very popular in Japan, they also have ecological themes are humans are in the natural world, rather than nature invading the human space. Anime characters are usually quite unrealistic and have magical adventures.

Thursday 10 March 2016

If Tim Burton directed Disney films

During my research for my visual appendix I came across these images created by artist Andrew Tarusov. His interpretations really capture the mind and style of Tim Burton and I really love these style swaps.

The Beauty And The Beast, Directed By Tim Burton

Pinocchio, Directed By Tim Burton

101 Dalmatians, Directed By Tim Burton

Bambi, Directed By Tim Burton

The Little Mermaid, Directed By Tim Burton

Dumbo, Directed By Tim Burton

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Fairytale statistics

In this production workshop we used data and statistics in a fun and animated way, we created three scenes for the animation in Adobe Illustrator and used wipe transitions and text presets to create afinal animation.
My animation is based on the fairytale hansel and gretel, I decided to use this tale as it is clearly recognisable.