Wednesday 30 September 2015

Character Design

In this Process and Production workshop we were creating characters and making a character layout sheet.. I found this task quite difficult as my drawing skill aren't the best, I came up with a simple cartoon figure but I felt it needed more personality. I thought about giving him rag doll like features and tried out some facial features. I felt that having an eye missing would create a creepy but cool look and I went with this idea, the other eye being a button.

We then had to try the character out in different poses, I found this task difficult as I'm used to drawing from one angle. I decided to create a bear character as I thought he looked interesting but also like a used teddy.

The Final Stage of the workshop was creating a character sheet, I drew the bear from front facing angle and from the side view.

I then tried to create the character in illustrator, this was difficult but I got it finished in my own time and I feel the outcome works well.